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When do I need to change the spark plugs?

Generally speaking,
after the spark plug performance decline,
 the engine will appear starting difficulties, acceleration weakness, stop, fuel consumption increase,
idle jitter and other fault phenomena,
for manual models have a particularly obvious phenomenon,
is in the shift when there is a feeling of stepping on the empty,
after the shift step on the accelerator engine did not respond,
wait for a moment after the speed will rise,
the car will appear a strong sense of stop.
In this case, the spark plug needs to be replaced.

Remove the spark plug, and it’ll be easier to tell.
The normal state of spark plug is: the electrode part is grayish white,
grayish yellow or light brown, electrode gap is about 0.9~1.1mm.
If the spark plug is covered with oil, or the electrode ablation is serious,
the gap is too large, corrosion deformation, impurity deposition,
or insulation damage, such a spark plug needs to be replaced.

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